Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Hello all, well the topic of the day is fitness HA! I am not a health nut by any means. I eat junk food and I love to eat in large amounts. I'm only 5 feet tall.
Once and while, I will jog at the track at a high school...I will reminise about a time when I weighed 105 pounds lol. I have a gym in my apartment buliding but its flooded with kids just playing with the equipment and I feel funny. I've never really stuck to a diet. I am just aweful at it.
It's funny, when I get to practice i'm eating, when I leave practice I go get something to eat. The girls know that I LOVE to eat and totally embrace that instead of making me feel ashamed of it.

I think roller derby has given me a new appreciation for my body and that I am sexy and strong exactly the way I am. When I first started playing roller derby, I lost like 12 pounds in a month!!! I was like WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO.
I used to be a little more self concious and derby has helped me not beat myself about it so much. Society puts these unreachable standards of what is beautiful and its difficult to not feel that pressure. We go out looking fine and we look damn good getting knocked on our ass out there no matter how much or how little we weigh. lol

My diet is laughter...I laugh at the ignorance, and immaturity of people calling eachother fat...and AFTERALL, laughter burns calories!!! So does SEX....so HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!