Monday, February 8, 2010

Roller Derby Ruined My Life

SO its 2:52 am and I am finally getting the chance to post my "Sunday" blog, even though technically its already Monday morning. And why may you ask am I up at almost 3 am blogging? Well this is the first chance I have had to sit down and do this since this morning. I attended the South Coast Mitten Kittens training camp today in Southern California, which was awesome. I always love getting together with other local derby girls. Also this weekend, we, and by we I mean the San Diego Derby Dolls, finally premiered our brand new banked track for the San Diego public! We had our first banked track game at the San Diego Del Mar Fairgrounds Saturday night against the Mitten Kittens. I wasn't playing, I was actually boutcasting for DNN. It was a huge night for the league, four and half a years in the making. And then earlier tonight after the training camp, and while my roommate was having a super bowl party, I was sifting through stats and pics from the game and writing up a review of the game for a Sports news site. So like a lot of weekends it has been a long derby weekend, but a satisfying one.

The topic suggested for the past week was "Talk about your friends, family or random people you meet, and their support OR lack thereof - of you playing roller derby."

Well, as my title states roller derby has officially ruined my life. I saw that on a t-shirt Dahmernatrix was wearing at a practice one day. I loved it because it completely embodies how I feel at this point in my derby career. Roller derby has completely ruined my life. And I love it! Because my other favorite quote is Roller Derby Saved My Soul, which apparently Karmic Recall likes as well from the title of her Monday blog. I am glad I have traded whatever my past life was for the positive life I now have in the roller derby community. This is why on my on my trading card profile for 2010 it says:

Inspiration: Roller Derby Saved My Soul

Biggest Challenge: Roller Derby Ruined My Life

Now do other people understand this? Certainly not. Just today I came out of my room to take a break from writing to try some of roommates shrimp ceviche and mingle a little bit with his friends that were watching the Super Bowl. When I got out there a girl I know from a couple of years ago was there and when she introduced me to her friend she said, "oh Nicole plays, what is it Nicole, roller blading or something?" I wanted to stab her. Roller derby is so important to me, and so unimportant to her. I guess that is why as time goes on I find myself hanging out more and more only with other derby folk. I get tired of trying to explain to randoms, or family members, why its so cool and why it takes up such a huge part of my life. When I am with my derby sister and brothers I know they understand why it consumes my life, cause it also consumed theirs.

Also on my trading card profile is this:

Favorite Quote: “If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” – Albert Einstein

Some would say the idea of professional roller derby is absurd. Thank god, otherwise there would be no hope for it, according to Einstein.

OK I am going to bed. I need to get rested - I have practice tomorrow night.

kali katt