Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Derby doesn't Judge

I find the most appealing thing about derby is that anyone that has the desire to do it can do it. As long as you want to try, you can do it. Roller Derby is a rainbow of different shapes and colors and it's a beautiful thing to see. Roller derby doesn't care about your sexual preference, your wieght, your height, your color, your age, religion, political views or the money in your pocket. If you can and want to do it, then you're in! It's that simple.

I was always a very athletic girl throughout high school and the first 2 years of college. Like I said in a prior blog, I gained 40 pounds after! OMG!! So after that, I felt like I'm done for, I'm huge, I feel like a baluga whale, I just ate an entire pizza, I get tired going up a flight of stairs, I can't even tie my shoe without feeling all out of breath...you get the idea, I felt like I couldn't be active because I felt that my body just wouldn't let me, one jumping jack and i'm ready to quit. When I ran into derby, I noticed that as long as you can skate, you can play derby, the rest just comes to you with practice. I have to say, after the initial back pain went away from not using ANY muscle in my body for a few years, I was impressed with myself. Not only was I actually sticking to some type of "fitness" regime, I wasn't too bad at it either and it's shit loads of fun!

In my derby experience, i've grown to understand that inner strength is much more important then physical strength. If you have the drive and determination, you can most definately rock the rink!

In a society where we are judged on a daily basis for so many things, or when we see the beautiful celebrities with perfect bodies and we judge ourselves, It is refreshing that in all that, roller derby has never judged you. In the eyes of roller derby, we are all beautiful and strong!

I believe Karma said it best "ALL IS WELCOME...... and to be able to say that or be a part of that is to be a part of true history......" I totally dig that! Derby for me has been an array of open arms and helping hands along the way! It's given me inner and outer strength and confidence in myself I didn't have for a long time. I've gained friends, sisters and skills that I wouldn't have if it weren't for roller derby. Roller Girls are eclectic, we are all different...we have different careers, families, interests, some are punk, goth, girls next door, career women, mothers, grandmothers, rocker chicks, skater chicks, betties, jocks, cholas, you name it! and the best part is, it reallly doesn't matter because that is what makes roller derby so unique...we all come together to play this awesome sport!
Roller derby means something to everyone playing, otherwise we wouldn't be putting ourselves out there for nothing.

I love this rainbow of women and that pot of gold at the end called roller derby...

That's all for today folks!
Loves & Shoves,
Destructo Dolly

-Looking for a team to join? hit up www.renegaderollergirlssocal.com for info!